You probably would have recruited team members, designed the product, acquired funds, and structured a website by now. The next step, which most businesses tend to forget, is to checklist the Shopify website before launch. This article provides you with the sure-shot tips to make your virtual store a huge success. It includes everything you need to ensure about your site before it goes live. The fact that how critical a website is cannot be overstated enough. Because no matter how much potential you hold, your website will be the tiebreaker for a successful business. 20 Things To Follow Up This article discusses 20 things to follow before your big Shopify launch. We have a few pointers below that will help raise the bar for your competitors. A checklist has been provided below: First Things First Customers are everything. Prioritize their needs at all costs. Pick your niche. Know your target audience and reach out to them. Get feedback from your prior clients, if any....